Super Easy Way to Reduce Video File Size

Hey guys, welcome to my blog with a new and very helpful article. In this article I will tell you about how to reduce the size of a video file without losing its quality. If you are facing problems in dealing with the video file size it will be a best solution for you. So watch the video till the last second because in the end I will give you super tip that make your work easier.
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Lets Start our Procedure of reducing video file size:

To reduce the size of the video file without losing its quality you need to download software named as “handbrake”.  Link of this software is given in description. Go to and search for the handbrake. The first result for that query is, with the title of open source video trans coder. Click on this link, it will lead you to the homepage of this website. If you want to download this software for windows you can directly download it from the link here showing in red color.

Alternatively click on the other platform link. Here you can select the desired platform for which you are going to use this software. It may be for Mac, windows, tab or any other platform. As we are going to use it for windows so I will download it for windows 64 bit. It is 16mb file that can easily be downloaded. I have already downloaded it. So let’s see how it works.

Open the software. First of all we have to select the source file that we are going to reduce in size. You can also go to folder option if you want to open a folder with several videos. But I suggest you to work on each single video individually. So click on the file link and select the desired file.

We will work on the video, first check its size in properties. As you can see it is …….MB and ….minutes long video. Open this file. As you can see that video file is imported in the handbrake software. After importing the file you have to select the destination of the new file with reduced size that you get after compression. Click on the browse and select the folder where you want to save it. I select its name as test video and save it.

In the right side you will see some pre-sets of the output video. You can select your desired medium. I am going to select the normal setting under the regular tab.
Below the destination setting you will find the output settings. I suggest you to select mp 4 from the container menu. Then check the web optimized option because it makes the file less sized without losing its audio/video quality. IPod 5g support box will remain unchecked.
Below you will see the picture resolution setting. If you are using normal pre-set then use the default setting for picture height and width.

Now we move on to copping section. It is very important for the video quality. You can use automatic option if all the values in top, bottom, right and left are zero.  If not than use the custom option and make these values to zero. You can use this option if cropping required.
You should not change anything in this filter section.
Video section is the most important for the quality of the output video. Customize this section carefully. First option is video codec. As you can see that there are many variables in this menu. I suggest you to select the H.264 option.

Next section is quality. It is all about the quality of the video. Default value for this is 20. You can change it according to requirements.  If you increase the constant value it will decrease the size accordingly but at the same time it will also decrease the quality or video graphics of the file. I will suggest you to always be within 20 that will decrease your video file size but not make significant reduce in quality. A neglect able change may be observed.

Then you can see here customize video section. Leave it with the default setting.
In the audio section you can select the quality of the audio. Default value is 160 bit. If you want to increase the sound quality then increase the bit rate. I suggest going for 128 or 160 bit rate value. It is a normal quality.

Subtitles and chapter section are not important while reducing the size of the video file.
I always suggest you to watch the preview for 5 seconds before going for the final touch in producing the video. This preview will give you good idea about the output video according to your settings. I will make preview for 5 second and analyze the video quality. Preview is ready. As you can see that there is no significant drop in the quality of the video. Now I will go for the final touch. Click on the start link and it will start editing the whole video.

Finally it has done its editing. Now check the difference between the video file sizes. Video file size before editing was …..Mb and video file size after editing is…………You can see the big reduction in the file size without losing quality.

Bonus tip:
After doing all these setting you can set your own pre-set for the next videos. For example I make pre-set with the name of best for me. Next time when I import my video file here, I have to select the pre-set that is best for me. It’s done. You did not need to go on each section and manage its setting.  Choosing the pre-set best for me automatically set all the options.
 Thanks for watching this video all the way. Don’t forget to like, comment and share this video. If you want more help or information do subscribe my channel.

Live Video demonstration will be added soon.

Super Easy Way to Reduce Video File Size Super Easy Way to Reduce Video File Size Reviewed by Unknown on 21:28 Rating: 5

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