Should I root my Android Mobile - Pros and Cons?

Dear if you are thinking to root your mobile then this article will be special for you. In this article I will tell you pros and cons of rooting android mobile. After watching this video you will be able to make better decision to root your mobile. Read the complete article and select the best option for you.

What is Root?

Manufacturing companies of android mobile launch those with limitation and user can not cross a certain line. For example you cannot uninstall the default application or modification in default setting is not allowed in some applications. When you root your mobile you cross these limitations set by the manufacturer. Super user and super access like terms are normally associated with the rooting of mobile.

 In the first section let’s discuss its advantages.

Disadvantages of Rooting android mobile:

  1. There is no official method available to root any mobile from manufacturer.
  2.        You cannot claim for warranty after rooting the android mobile. Because it is not allowed by the  manufacturer company and considered as violation of their guidelines.
  3. You will not receive any of the upgrade notification in the rooted mobile.
  4. It increases the security risk for your data. It may insert virus or hacking the access is also an option. Hacker can easily modify your settings.
  5.  Expertise required rooting a mobile and modifying the settings. No guarantee of success.
  6. Different types of problem may be entitled during the process of rooting a mobile.

Advantages of rooting android Mobile:

  1. You become super user of that mobile. Now you can modify each application and setting according to your requirements.
  2. Rooted device will remove annoying ads immediately.
  3. You can easily flash custom ROM or Kernel of your mobile.
  4. You can insert custom logos and themes in your mobile.
  5. You can use reverse tethering and make use of computer internet in mobile.
  6. You can share wifi access with others.
  7. Some apps need the root access if you install them on your android mobile.
  8. It will increase you mobile speed and battery life.
  9. Make complete Backups of your data.

After reading these pros and cons you will be in better position to select ideal option. Hopefully this article was helpful and informative for you. If you still have any query regarding this article please write it in comments. Your suggestions and feedback is very special for me now. Thanks for being here.

Should I root my Android Mobile - Pros and Cons? Should I root my Android Mobile - Pros and Cons? Reviewed by Unknown on 00:04 Rating: 5

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