Increase Organic Reach on Your Facbook Page - 100% Results

In this article I will teach you how to increase your organic reach on Facebook. These days’ people are facing problems in reaching other users on Facebook and that makes them frustrated. They are complaining and going to quit their Facebook work. Facebook is the largest social media platform and not going anywhere. Thing is that we have to figure it out that what’s going wrong from our side.
I will give you three super tips that will make your organic reach on Facebook better. In these steps you would not have to spend any money. Let’s start our tips.

Tip #01: Ask Questions in your Feeds

Questions are truly a great source of engagement on Facebook or other social media websites like twitter, Google plus, tumbler, etc. Two types of questions work best in this regards as far as my experience is concerned. Number one is “ask for their opinion”. For example ask them about what color will be best suited for wedding day, Red or White. They will answer in comments and give you their feedback. It will increase the engagement on this post.
Second types of questions are “filling in blanks­­­­­­­­­___”. For example you can ask them, my favorite sports channel is Ten Sports what is yours? They will answer you and give opinion. So question will increase the mutual interaction on your brand.
Keep in mind that writes questions on an attractive and appealing graphic. Graphic will surely put the first impression on the viewer. 

Tip #02: Use Videos and Live Streaming

As we all know that Facebook algorithm still favors the video content on it. So, it is better to provide video content than image or textbook. Video must be according to the community and their interests. It did not require any advance level polish. Start a weekly live stream on Facebook. It will surely increase the engagement because users know when you come again. The more you got likes, share comments on the first 24 hours the more Facebook will regard your content.
You can also promote it on different social media platforms like instagram, tumbler, twitter, etc and het traffic from them to Facebook. It will increase the value of your brand and Facebook starts favoring your content.

Tip #03: Time of Posting on Facebook

Timing of posting on Facebook is very important. You must share your content on Facebook when there is maximum amount of users online. First hour is very vital for the promotion of the content on any social media. The people present at the time you posted will immediately respond to it. Facebook always give importance to the interaction between you and your viewer. Take a good look at your audience activity through the different timings. Post the content when most of them are super active.

Bonus tip for you:

Always use trending #tags in your content. These are the most talked about topics at that time on Facebook. Take benefit of those trending topics and capitalize on them by putting hash tags. Be active and promote your content at the right time. 

Hopefully this article was helpful and informative for you in increasing organic reach on Facebook.  Keep visiting our blog and enjoy super easy tips and tricks with us. Your comments are suggestions are very important for us and much awaited. Tell us what you want me to write for you.

Increase Organic Reach on Your Facbook Page - 100% Results Increase Organic Reach on Your Facbook Page - 100% Results Reviewed by Unknown on 00:46 Rating: 5

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