How to Recover Deleted Files Windows - Easiest Method Ever

recover deleted files
In this article I will tell you how to recover the deleted data in your computer’s hard disk or pin drive. Sometimes we permanently delete the vital data from our computer mistakenly. After that we understand our mistake but don’t know how to recover the data. It is very easy to get back the files with software called recuva.

How Computer Storage Works:

Dear reader keep in mind that when you delete any file from the computer. It did not delete its storage immediately but only delete its address so that it can give that place to coming files. We can get back the data till we have not saved the other files into the same drive or disk. Files will replace the address of deleted files. If you have saved the new data into the same disk then it is impossible to recover deleted data.

Let’s Start Our Process of recovering deleted Data:

Step #01: First of all download a software name “Recuva” from any website. Easily download it from After downloading install it in your computer. It is very easy to install. After you have installed the Recuva software, click on its logo to open it. It will ask you about the type of file you are going to recover. You have to select from the given types as pictures, music, documents, video, compresses or emails.  If you know the types then click the appropriate type. If you are not sure about the type of file then select the all type option from this window. Click on the “next”.
how to recover deleted files

Step #02: In next window it will ask you about the location of the deleted file. If you know about the location of deleted file then select the “in a specific location” and browse the location of that file. Given options are “on my media iPod, in my documents, in the recycle bin, in a specific location”. If you select the specific location option then you have to select the particular disk drive in computer. Otherwise select the “I am not sure” option. It will automatically detect the complete hard drive in this computer for that file. Then click on “next”.
recovery files

Step #03: Next window will ask you about the depth of the search. If you want a deep search then check the box which says “deep search”. If you want a normal search then keep that box unchecked. After selecting your option click “start”. Immediately when you click start it will run scanning process. When it searches the desired files will show in the box. Then check the box of the files you want to recover. Files you are not interested to recover should remain unchecked and click on the “Recover” option below.
recover deleted files 03

Step #04: Select the destination of the recovered file and click “ok”. I suggest you to not store it from where it is deleted earlier. It will increase the chances of creating bad sectors in this file. So always select the other drive of the computer. Next pop up window will give you detail of the recovered data as “total recovered files”, “fully recovered files”, “Operation completed successfully”.
recover deleted files step 04

Hopefully you have learned about how to recover the deleted files from your computer.

How to Recover Deleted Files Windows - Easiest Method Ever How to Recover Deleted Files Windows - Easiest Method Ever Reviewed by Unknown on 20:49 Rating: 5

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