How To Get More Views on Youtube Videos ►Top 5 Killer Steps

Hello guys, I will tell you how to get more views on Youtube videos. I will give you five best tips to do this. You have uploaded video on your channel. But you don’t know how to get views on it fast.  Don’t worry in this video I will tell you super easy ways to get more views on Youtube.

When thinking about how to get more views on your videos three basic requirements come to mind. These three fundamental requirements must be considered before starting our tips.
These requirements are ………….  
  1.  First of all people needs to find the video
  2. Then they should watch your video.
  3. If your video is good enough for them then they will share it with their friends and family members.
 It looks very simple. But most of the people find it very difficult to perform especially in the beginning of their channel or Youtube career.
Here I am going to give you five golden Youtube tips / tricks that will help you to accomplish these three basic requirements. Let’s start our tips and tricks journey to get more views on your videos.

Youtube Tip # 1: Searchable Title of your Video
Searchable titles refer to those titles which consist of keyword phrase that people are already searching for. Don’t make people to watch your videos instead make videos on topics that people are in search of.  For that purpose just go to Google keyword planner and search for the term that you are going to use in your video titles. Always use phrase / keyword in your title that have good amount of monthly searches. While searching for your term always use appropriate location according to your target audience.

Youtube Tip # 2: Make a good Description
You should give good description of your video. It will help you to rank the video in search engines. I suggest you to always give call-to-action in the beginning of your description. This call-to-action will be seen in Google so you must enter the keyword phrase in the first three lines of video description. You can use your main keyword phrase two to three times in your description but don’t overuse it. Keyword stuffing is considered spamming now. Write at least three hundred words description for each of your video.

Youtube Tip # 3: Transcribe your Video
Dear youtuber, it is very important tip for you. Most of the beginners are ignoring this great feature of Youtube. It is very search engine friendly. So don’t ignore it. Just go to video that you want to transcribe. Click on the subtitles & cc button. After that click on the “add new subtitles & cc”. This is where you can easily add the transcription. If you do not upload your caption Youtube automatically add a close caption on your video which looks horrible. SO I suggest you to always add subtitles & close captions manually. You can also add it in your description.

Youtube Tip # 4: Customize the Thumbnail
Thumbnail is very important for getting more views on your video. Make the thumbnail appealing to click on. I will make video on how to make customize thumbnail later. Thumbnail pulls the people into your video and channel. So take time and make your thumbnail attractive. I suggest you to use Adobe Photoshop for that purpose. Your thumbnail must show the inner potential of your video. Always keep in mind that thumbnail is the face of your video. It gives the first impression to your viewer.

Youtube Tip # 5: Use Annotations and Cards
 Annotations and cards are the links of other related videos. Both of these features are used to transfer the audience from one video to the other. Now annotations are used in the last twenty seconds of your video. Cards can be used in different parts of the whole video. Using these features will increase the session time which is very important for ranking your channel. Views will also increase dramatically if used properly.

Bonus tip for you:
Always keep in mind that content is the king. Whatever you make, create on Youtube take good care of quality of the content. Improve your graphics and sound quality. Research about the topic before creating content.  Give good information, make people laugh, make them cry will force them to share your video.
Hopefully you have like this video. Subscribe our channel for more informative and helpful videos in future.

How To Get More Views on Youtube Videos ►Top 5 Killer Steps How To Get More Views on Youtube Videos ►Top 5 Killer Steps Reviewed by Unknown on 06:37 Rating: 5

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